4 Vital Ways Archer Relocation Can Help You Move to Germany

Moving to Germany can be difficult, especially if you don’t speak the language or know the system. As with any country, there are processes to follow, numerous forms to complete, and services you will require. But how do you go about it? When you hire our services at Archer Relocation, you’ll discover we are expansive and inclusive. We offer as many services as we can to support you.…

4 Ways To Reframe Moving To Berlin With Your Family

You’re satisfied with your life, your relationship is great, your kids are happy, and your partner drops a bombshell–they’ve had a magical job offer…in Berlin! You want to support them, of course you do. But your mind is spinning with questions, many, many questions. Possibly you are thinking about all the things you are giving up… but what about all the exciting things you are moving towards?…

8 Communication Tips For Non-German Speakers Living in Germany

Aussie ex-pat Kathryn Gorman, a Communication Expert, Educator and Author, has been living in Berlin for over two years. We asked her for some tips to help you when you move to Germany.



You have arrived… in Germany, and Du sprichst kein Deutsch (You don’t speak German). What do you do? Larger cities tend to have more residents who speak English. In the smaller cities and towns, it can be harder to find English speakers.…

5 Summer Adventures For When You Live in Berlin


When schools out and the temperatures soar, how can you stay cool and entertained? Here’s five fun suggestions for you to enjoy your new home in Germany. We have highlighted some Berlin summer activities for you.



The German word for lake is ‘See’. Many of these lakes are FKK–FreiKorperKultur (translation Free Body Culture aka Nude Bathing).…

Herrentag, Father’s Day, Ascension Day in Germany

This Thursday is a public holiday in Germany to celebrate Ascension Day and Father’s Day. How will Berliner’s be celebrating? What will you be doing this long weekend?


Christians all over the world celebrate Ascension Day. It commemorates Jesus’ ascension into heaven 39 days after Easter Sunday.

In Germany, Ascension Day is known as Christi Himmelfahrt–literally Christ’s (Christi) journey (fahrt) into heaven (Himmel).…

Moving to Berlin with a Family

Moving to Berlin With a Family: A Relocation Agency’s Checklist

If you’re moving to Berlin with a family you’re in for a treat. Berlin offers an excellent quality of life for families with children of all ages.

Moving with kids is always an adventure, and it can be a daunting one at that. But it doesn’t have to be! As relocation specialists, we’ve helped hundreds of families move to Berlin and are happy to share our expertise with you. 

International and Bilingual Schools in Berlin

Untersuchung for Your Child in Berlin

Families who move to Berlin with small children, or those who have had a baby in Germany, have probably heard about the U1-U9 checkups. The “U” stands for Untersuchung, which translates as “check-up” or “medical exam.”…

Interview with Alex Forrest Whiting – Alex and her family relocated to Berlin one year ago


Alex relocated to Berlin almost exactly a year ago. She moved to Berlin with her husband and their two children between Christmas and New Years! Yikes! (We’ll hear about that in the interview).

The family originally from London lived in Copenhagen for three and a half years before making the move to Berlin last year. In this interview we talked about the ups and downs, the challenges of moving to Berlin, issues you are faced with as a trailing spouse, finding a community and making sure the children are happy.…

Archer Relocation