4 Vital Ways Archer Relocation Can Help You Move to Germany

Moving to Germany can be difficult, especially if you don’t speak the language or know the system. As with any...

4 Ways To Reframe Moving To Berlin With Your Family

You’re satisfied with your life, your relationship is great, your kids are happy, and your partner drops a bombshell–they’ve had...

5 Summer Adventures For When You Live in Berlin

  When schools out and the temperatures soar, how can you stay cool and entertained? Here’s five fun suggestions for...

Choosing and Enrolling in a School in Berlin

How to Choose and Enroll in a School in Berlin

Berlin is home to many different types of schools and finding the right school for your child can be a...

Guide to Berlin: Best of MItte

Guide to Berlin
Part I: Julie’s Best of Mitte

In this Berlin city guide series, friends of Archer Relocation share what they love most about the part of the...

International and Bilingual Schools in Berlin

If you are a family of non-native German speakers and are considering a move to Berlin, you will be happy...

International and Bilingual Schools in Berlin

Untersuchung for Your Child in Berlin

Families who move to Berlin with small children, or those who have had a baby in Germany, have probably heard...

Starting Grade 1 – ‘Einschulung’ in Berlin

If you have a child going into Grade 1 in Germany, the ‘Einschulung’ and ‘Zuckertüte’ traditions will be at the...

Childcare in Berlin

Childcare in Berlin Whilst Waiting for a Kita Spot

Childcare in Berlin is hot topic amongst families with children aged three to six.  ‘Kita’, short for Kindertagestätte, is the...

Kindertag in Germany and how to celebrate it in Berlin

Kindertag in Germany is coming up.  For those with children in Berlin, Kindertag is the perfect day to celebrate and...

Archer Relocation