Men at a desk in front of a laptop

7 Steps to becoming a freelancer in Germany


Buckle up. Becoming a freelancer or self-employed in Germany is not for the faint of heart. But if you’re here reading this article, odds are you’re determined to make it work. And make it work you shall. Starting by reading this super helpful blog post.

Step 1 – Prepare yourself

Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Once you deal with the nitty gritty, it’s smooth-ish sailing from there.

How We Help You Move To Germany: Meet Ronja Heidenberger

We interviewed our Account Manager Ronja Heidenberger for you, so you can get to know the person behind the name helping you move to Germany.

Where do you live in Germany?

I live in the southern part of Munich.

How long have you lived in Germany?

I’ve lived in Germany my whole life! I was born in Starnberg. It’s a town in Upper Bavaria, 25 kilometres southwest of Munich. Starnberg is at the northern end of Lake Starnberg which is a popular place for excursions and recreation.…

4 Vital Ways Archer Relocation Can Help You Move to Germany

Moving to Germany can be difficult, especially if you don’t speak the language or know the system. As with any country, there are processes to follow, numerous forms to complete, and services you will require. But how do you go about it? When you hire our services at Archer Relocation, you’ll discover we are expansive and inclusive. We offer as many services as we can to support you.…

Archer Relocation