Berlin Guide: Pankow

Guide to Berlin Part 3: Best of Pankow

We are continuing our Archer Relocation series on areas of Berlin and the amazing female entrepreneurs who live and work here. Aussie expat, former Opera singer and managing director of Red Tape Translation, Kathleen Parker, gave us the lowdown on her neighbourhood: Pankow. 


Kathleen Parker

Berlin Neighbourhood


How long have you lived in Berlin?

4 Vital Ways Archer Relocation Can Help You Move to Germany

Moving to Germany can be difficult, especially if you don’t speak the language or know the system. As with any country, there are processes to follow, numerous forms to complete, and services you will require. But how do you go about it? When you hire our services at Archer Relocation, you’ll discover we are expansive and inclusive. We offer as many services as we can to support you.…

4 Ways To Reframe Moving To Berlin With Your Family

You’re satisfied with your life, your relationship is great, your kids are happy, and your partner drops a bombshell–they’ve had a magical job offer…in Berlin! You want to support them, of course you do. But your mind is spinning with questions, many, many questions. Possibly you are thinking about all the things you are giving up… but what about all the exciting things you are moving towards?…

Guide to Berlin Part 2: Kathryn’s Best of Charlottenburg

In this Berlin city guide series, friends of Archer Relocation share what they love most about the part of the city they call home. In our second instalment, Kathryn shares the best of Berlin-Charlottenburg. 

Who: Kathryn Gorman, an author and freelance writer

Berlin Neighbourhood: Charlottenburg

Moved to Berlin: December, 2019


What do you love about Berlin?

Herrentag, Father’s Day, Ascension Day in Germany

This Thursday is a public holiday in Germany to celebrate Ascension Day and Father’s Day. How will Berliner’s be celebrating? What will you be doing this long weekend?


Christians all over the world celebrate Ascension Day. It commemorates Jesus’ ascension into heaven 39 days after Easter Sunday.

In Germany, Ascension Day is known as Christi Himmelfahrt–literally Christ’s (Christi) journey (fahrt) into heaven (Himmel).…

What’s on in Berlin – Halloween 2018

Berliners do not need an excuse to dress up in costumes.  However, many have started to embrace Halloween in Berlin over the past few years.  Read on for Archer Relocation’s tips on how to spend your spooky day.…

International and Bilingual Schools in Berlin

Untersuchung for Your Child in Berlin

Families who move to Berlin with small children, or those who have had a baby in Germany, have probably heard about the U1-U9 checkups. The “U” stands for Untersuchung, which translates as “check-up” or “medical exam.”…

Childcare in Berlin

Childcare in Berlin Whilst Waiting for a Kita Spot

Childcare in Berlin is hot topic amongst families with children aged three to six.  ‘Kita’, short for Kindertagestätte, is the German form of daycare or nursery school.  While the German system is one of the best in the world for subsidizing public childcare and Kita costs, there are not enough Kitas in Berlin to accommodate every child under the age of six. …

Easter in Germany

Easter in Germany

Easter in Germany is a special time for families.  There are a multitude of Easter traditions from Good Friday to Easter Monday to embrace and ensure fun celebrations.  Read below as Archer Relocation guides you through the traditions surrounding Easter in Germany.  …

Archer Relocation