5 ways to use a Relocation Service when searching for a new home

Some of you new to the services of a relocation consultant might be unfamiliar with the process, or you might be moving to Berlin and wondering how you’re going to manage it all – the new job, the kids, and leaving your worrying Mum behind. So, I thought it would be helpful to share a few stories and examples of some relocation adventures I’ve experienced with my clients. You might get some ideas as to how you want to manage your move to Berlin and some insight into the possibilities you have and how you can best use a relocation service, like mine!
1. Get some temporary accommodation and search from Berlin.
Some clients prefer to rent temporary furnished accommodation for the first month or two while searching for their ideal apartment in Berlin. Planning well ahead you can have your belongings held in storage until you are ready to move into your new home. I have had clients ship their entire household to Germany and consciously take their time to find the ideal apartment in Berlin. Patience prevailed and they now have a lovely apartment, at a good price and with the great view and open kitchen they envisioned.
2. Only got a day?
Another option is to plan a day (or two) for your apartment search. I have had clients fly in late the night before a marathon search the next day. We spent the whole day visiting apartments, and they flew home exhausted in the evening. It worked out great, they got the apartment they had chosen and the rest was done by email and post and the family moved in the following month.
3. Visit Berlin for a week.
Come to Berlin for a week’s visit/holiday. Have a look around Berlin, and get more familiar with the city. I’ll take you to visit a couple of prospective neighbourhoods or to see a few apartments. This way we can both get a good idea of what it is you are after.
4. Do a combination of the above (2&3).
I have had clients come to Berlin for a week or a weekend, a few months before the move. They then came back to Berlin closer to the relocation date for two days to actively search for a home. They were able to find their new home on this visit and relocated to Berlin the following month.
5. Moving from another Continent or really just don’t have time to see your options in Berlin personally beforehand?
In both these instances it is possible to come up with other solutions. You might want me to view the apartments for you and send photos, videos and have a phone call follow-up. Or, you might also consider taking a furnished rental initially. Get in touch and talk to me about your options, we can come up with a good solution for your personal situation.
Please also see the FAQ’s section for more information on the Home Search and other Relocation Services. Anymore questions? Shoot me an email: hello@archer-relocation.com
Contribution by Emily Archer, your first new friend in Berlin.