Germany's Covid Rules

Germany’s Covid Rules

Updated June 11, 2021. 

The numbers just keep going down in Germany! The number of Covid-19 infections that is. Take a look at the vaccination rate, and you’ll see it’s going up and up! But to keep up this positive trajectory, it’s still important to follow the Coronavirus rules in Germany, even as they loosen across the Bundesland.

(See incident rates for each of Germany’s states at

How to Move to Germany During Covid-19

How to Move to Germany During Covid-19

Are you moving to Germany during Covid-19? Or thinking about it? German immigration rules have not changed during the pandemic, however, because of tightened travel restrictions there are a number of things you should know before you get on a plane. From Covid tests to work contracts, we outline everything below. 

Get all your paperwork for your move to Germany in order.

Archer Relocation